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Classroom Games for Teaching Economics

Who we are? project is led by Nicolas Gruyer and Nicolas Toublanc.

After completing a PhD in Economics at the Toulouse School of Economics, Nicolas Gruyer worked as a professor at ENAC (french Civil Aviation National School) for 10 years. During this period, he taught Microeconomics, Industrial Organization and Business Games at ENAC and Air Transport Economics at TSE, and an important part of his teachings was based on economic experiments and games. Since 2012 he is creating games for teaching economics (projects and

Nicolas Toublanc worked for 11 years in software development on web and industrial projects (Airbus, SNCF, Nespresso, ...). Freelance since 2011, he is responsible for the technical development of projects and

Other Industrial Organization games

We are also working on longer industrial organization games, designed for trainings over several days (through distance or traditional learning).

The first of these games, The Airline Game, is based on the air transport industry. Players are responsible for managing the fleet and the pricing policy of virtual companies competing over the same routes, and must adapt their strategies to a constantly changing environment (crises, airport congestion and regulatory changes, emergence of environmental constraints, development of a new aircraft, cost evolutions, new route openings ...).

The game is kept as simple as possible, to be able to add more complex scenarios over it without getting lost into details. This game covers most of the subjects of intermediate industrial organization courses (demand and cost shocks, monopoly/oligopoly, collusion, barriers to entry, differentiation, mergers, auctions, switching costs, strategic interaction and game theory... ), but can also be used for more specialized trainings in air transport economics.

We have also developed two games, for teaching energy economics or environmental economics and carbon permits markets.

Some of our customers:

Toulouse School of Economics, Paris Dauphine University, Toulouse Business School, HEC Paris Executive MBA, Maersk, AgroParisTech, University of Lille, Sciences Po, ENAC, IMT Atlantique, ENSAI, Mines-Albi, Ecole des Ponts ParisTech, University Rennes 1, MOOC "Manage Your Prices", Purpan, Master EDDEE, Ecole Polytechnique...

Some sessions have also been run in 10th or 11th grade or with students who had no prior background in economics.

We can deliver the trainings or hand over control of the games to you, if you prefer.

For any question or suggestion,